BizBen® Advertising Policy

By Placing Advertising With You Agree . . .

  1. Advertising can only be placed/inserted by the account holder, 3rd party ad entry must be approved by
  2. No duplicating any ads/listings in our system, once you enter an ad/listing into our system you cannot enter it again as a New Ad in the future. You can however change the ad/listing to “Inactive” or “Delete” it.
  3. We inactivate any ads/listings that have not been edited/updated/touched within 4 months. As soon as you edit an ad we will forward the “Inactive Date” 4 months on that particular ad/listing, this keeps our data accurate for viewers and prevents ads/listings from becoming stale or inaccurate.
  4. We only accept ongoing businesses for sale (with or without real estate) in our listings section. New businesses (start-ups), new franchises/opportunities, or commercial real estate only ads/listings etc. may advertise utilizing paid banner and resource advertising.
  5. From business brokers & agents, we only accept ads/listings that you have a listing agreement on. This eliminates any duplicate ads/listings in our system by multiple brokers or agents.
  6. Complete each ad entered into our site with as much descriptive text as you can, you will experience a greater degree of response from better qualified buyers.
  7. There is a 30 day notice of cancellation on all advertising on BizBen for broker/agent advertising accounts, banner advertising, franchise for sale advertising, etc., however there is not a 30 day cancellation policy on individual ads that have been placed on a single individual basis.
  8. All emails sent to advertisers in the Advertiser's Account Management section will be deleted from our servers after 1 year.
  9. There are NO MONETARY REFUNDS or CREDITS for advertising once an ad has been placed on

We reserve the right to edit or delete any ad/listing in our Ad Review Process that does not conform to our advertising policy or general standards of company policy. Any advertiser not complying with this policy may be removed from the system.

Advertising Accounts

Advertisements, membership accounts and listing services provided by & Business Exchange Network, Inc. are provided “As Is”. All advertisement membership accounts, listings, descriptions and information are subject to & Business Exchange Network, Inc. approval. & Business Exchange Network, Inc. reserves the right to reject, cancel or remove any advertisement listings and accounts at any time for any reason whatsoever, especially if the accounts are unpaid or are in violation of & Business Exchange Network, Inc.'s policies. & Business Exchange Network, Inc. in no way is responsible for the accuracy of the information in advertisement listings. You are responsible for the information posted on & Business Exchange Network, Inc. and You are responsible for monitoring and managing your own advertisement account and listings. You agree not to submit any descriptions, contact information or other information contained in the advertisement listing or in the payment transaction that does not belong to you including any trademarks and copyrights or proprietary information.

If you are a representative or an agent, You agree that You have received necessary permission and authorization from the person or the business entity who has authorized you to list their advertisement and/or to make a payment for their advertisement listing on their behalf. You also agree that all information provided to & Business Exchange Network, Inc. or posted on & Business Exchange Network, Inc. is accurate and is in no way misleading or is a misrepresentation and You must assume full responsibility to monitor and update this information. & Business Exchange Network, Inc. reserves the right to accept or reject any advertisement or membership accounts and listings without any specific explanation.

Advertisement Information & Business Exchange Network, Inc. reserves the right to modify, change, reject, delete, or update any advertisement account or listing or the information provided. & Business Exchange Network, Inc. may distribute the information and content in the advertisement listing or post advertisement listings on other websites, including but not limited to, affiliate and partner websites. & Business Exchange Network, Inc. reserves unrestricted right to use, publish and reproduce the information in your advertisement listing, and the & Business Exchange Network, Inc. is not responsible for any and all damages, claims, liabilities, actions, judgments and other matters whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from the information published on & Business Exchange Network, Inc.

Any users and visitors to & Business Exchange Network, Inc. may use the contact form or the email link in your advertisement listing to contact You in order to request for additional information regarding your advertisement listing. & Business Exchange Network, Inc. does not monitor such emails or the legitimacy of any emails forwarded or the information within the emails as all contact emails and leads generated from your advertisement listings are forwarded directly to your email address.

You agree that & Business Exchange Network, Inc. is not responsible for any emails or the content within those emails, if you find them to be unrelated to your advertisement or those You may consider as unsolicited emails or spam. Once you have requested & Business Exchange Network, Inc. to remove your advertisement listing, While & Business Exchange Network, Inc. will try to remove your data as soon as possible and in a timely manner once it has been requested to be removed by deleting the ad from the database or after you have received a confirmation from & Business Exchange Network, Inc. with regards to the receipt of your request or once your advertisement or the membership expires. & Business Exchange Network, Inc. does not guarantee the time frame for removal of listings and the data, and & Business Exchange Network, Inc. is not responsible for any errors or delays because of network issues, emails that were not relayed regarding your request or issues related to human error. & Business Exchange Network, Inc. is often visited by external search engines and the pages of & Business Exchange Network, Inc. and underlying information is gathered by the external search engines routinely to serve the information in their search results. & Business Exchange Network, Inc. is not responsible for any data related to advertisement listing and membership information that may appear on other external websites including search page results of other external search engines, during the time the advertisement is listed on & Business Exchange Network, Inc. or after the listing and the related data has been removed from & Business Exchange Network, Inc.. & Business Exchange Network, Inc. has no control over when your data may be removed from external search engine pages since & Business Exchange Network, Inc. has no control over, or access to, the external search engines.

Advertising Fees and Cancellation Policies:

The advertisement listing fee schedule and subscription terms will be provided to you during the advertisement listing submission process and & Business Exchange Network, Inc. reserves the right to increase prices for any of its listing services, membership services, or other products at any time with or without notice. You agree that any payment made towards advertising and listing services is not a promise or a guarantee by & Business Exchange Network, Inc. of the results and the results may vary based on the type of advertisement listing, service, business, location and other related factors.

You represent that you are the owner of the credit card or a debit card or a bank account you are using to pay for the advertisement listing or that you have been authorized by the owner of the credit card or a debit card or the bank account holder to pay for the advertisement listing You are posting on & Business Exchange Network, Inc.. You agree that once you list your advertisement and pay for the subscription by a credit card or a debit card or by a echeck, the subscription will continue each month and that & Business Exchange Network, Inc. is authorized to charge your credit card or a debit card to bill you each month until the subscription is cancelled by calling the telephone number provided to you during the listing process or by deleting your advertisement or membership account from our website.

Any monthly payment or subscription services must be cancelled prior to the upcoming billing date, by calling the phone number provided during the payment transaction and the phone number that appears in your credit card or a debit card statement, next to your transaction. Since e-mail services are not reliable, & Business Exchange Network, Inc. does not recommend and nor is responsible for transactions cancelled by email and we recommend that You request an email response from & Business Exchange Network, Inc. or call & Business Exchange Network, Inc. by phone in order to confirm the cancellation your listing. You agree that the advertising fees paid towards any and all advertisements and memberships are non-refundable, regardless of whether the advertising contract, the membership or the subscription is terminated by either party for any reason whatsoever and prior to the end of the month or prior to the upcoming billing date. Partial month refunds will not be provided under any circumstances for transactions cancelled once the subscription period starts. Declined credit card or a debit card authorizations, retracted payments or bad payments may be subject to a service fee that will be determined by & Business Exchange Network, Inc.. & Business Exchange Network, Inc. may utilize a third party collection service for recovery services on fraudulent and retracted payment transactions and may report to related credit card or a debit card agencies as necessary.

You agree and understand that a credit card or a debit card subscriptions and memberships may get cancelled automatically due to lack of funds in account or due to the fact that your credit card or a debit card expired or for any other reason why your bank may decide not to approve the subscription transaction. If the credit card or a debit card is approaching the expiration date, you agree that it is your responsibility to update your subscription in a timely manner and with the new expiration date or & Business Exchange Network, Inc. may cancel your membership and remove your subscription and advertisement listings without any notice if & Business Exchange Network, Inc. is unable to bill you for your membership/subscription transaction.

Copyright © 2022 BizBen, Inc. /, 440 N. Wolfe Road, Sunnyvale, CA 94085, USA

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