Sometimes business brokers just can't win with their clients, because if an offer comes in too fast & too early then they must have lowballed the price & the seller is suspicious, and if not enough offers come in after putting the business on the market - they may look unproductive to their clients.
Pool Halls/Billiards in America, currently is seeing a resurgence, mainly due to pool hall owners catering to a millennial crowd who is growing up with playing pool and other games on their phones and later mingling with others and playing the sport for real. Read about the best tips for buying one!
We're hearing more and more about "crowd funding" through sites like gofundme and kickstarter as a possible way to raise the cash needed to buy a small business. This method of collecting funds has proven successful in other kinds of situations. Could this strategy work when buying a small business?
Determining the right time to sell a private business is as much an art as a science, because there are so many factors at play and each business is unique. The timing of a business sale is critical. Christina Lazuric, CBI, Orange County Business Broker discusses this topic on this BizBen Blog post.
This live FREE workshop by Cheryl Maloney (San Francisco Business Broker Specialist) is designed for San Francisco restaurant owners who are thinking of selling and would like to know how much their restaurant or bar is worth and how to get it sold successfully. Limited seats, please RSVP via phone.
Although purchasing an established company can be a thrilling and lucrative opportunity, it also requires extensive planning and research. This guide will walk you through what to consider when buying a business, from the first steps of identifying the right type of business to the final stages of s